Being in the fitness industry a long time and seeing a range of different kit come and go on the market we have a great knowledge of common issues that arise with certain items of equipment.
There is one thing you can do to prelong the life of your equipment and truly get the most from your equipment time and time again use after use this is an annual service
Ski / bike / rowing erg machines £25.00 service :
Service includes :
➡️clean frame, handles, seat and fan cover
➡️ update of software
➡️ inspect inside the flywheels
➡️inspect all working parts for signs of wear: chains / pulleys / cords / sprockets / bearings and advise if any need changing
➡️lubricate parts
Assault bike variants £25.00
Service includes :
➡️Clean frame, fan cover,
handles and seat
➡️Check pull pins to make sure they are locked and secure
➡️Walk around check of bike inspecting the bike for missing or loose nuts and bolts and inspection of wear and tear items advise if any need changing
➡️Check front linkage bearings for tightness
➡️Check chain for proper tension
➡️Check pedals for tightness
➡️Lubricate chain
➡️Check seat for tightness, stability and alignment
Air runner variants £25.00
Service includes :
➡️Clean frame, screen , handles and running deck
➡️inspect running belt for excessive movement
➡️ inspect all bolts and screws for tightness
➡️inspect guide pulleys lubricate if necessary
Barbell servicing £15
Service includes:
➡️Clean surface chalk out of knurling
➡️remove barbell shaft
➡️inspect internal hardware for wear
➡️clean bushings
➡️lubricate barbell
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